
Some Frequently Asked Questions.

Type to Filter:

  • I am getting "script failed" error while opening link in SastaTV??

    There are couple things you should try if you get "script failed" error while accessing SastaTV add-on..
    1. Restart your XBMC device and check if you still get an error..
    2. Go to XBMC Settings->Addon->All Add-ons->SastaTV and uninstall SastaTV and Reboot your Device and then Re-Install SastaTV Addon, It should fix the issue.

  • I am getting "Dependencies not met"/"Broken" while installing add-on ?

    Go to XBMC Settings->Addon->Get Addons-> then right click(if you have mouse) or press "Menu" button(if you have remote) or press 'c' (if you have keyboard).. It will open one context menu, select "Force Refresh" from that menu and wait for couple minutes..It should fix the issue..

  • I am getting "Invalid user/password combo" error message ?

    Please go to and try to login with username and password..
    1. if you are able to login into portal and still you get that message on addon then please contact us at
    2. if you are not able to login into portal, then please use "lost password" option under portal and change your password..

  • I am unable to add "network drive" for SastaTV repository installation ?

    1. Make sure you have an active subscription...
    2. Make sure you are putting correct username and password
    3. if you are still having issue, please download our repository zip from link below and install manually on your xbmc using "install from zip" option..

  • I am getting "content not found" error under SastaTV Add-on ?

    1. Make sure you have working internet connection..Try to browse other addons or web browser(android)
    2. Restart XBMC Device
    3. Uninstall SastaTV addon and reboot device and then reinstall addon





We do not own and/or host the streams, movies, and TV shows. Sasta TV is just a scraper. It gets streams and movies off the internet and puts the links on our add-on. Check with your local laws before installing this add-on.