About Us

SastaTV : Home to Desi Entertainment..



SastaTV is a XBMC free video addon which requires paid active subscription to access..SastaTV is a group very complex scrapers that are put together to make one XBMC add-on. It gets the links from sources on the internet and puts all the links in one place. It is just like a Google Bot which looks for something entertaining. SastaTV can work on any XBMC compatible device.

Our Promise..

Since we are the scrappers, We cannot guarantee the accuracy on the media on our add-on. All the media is scraped off the internet and pasted into our add-on. However, we try hard to make it accurate as possible..

We are 100% sure that you will like our add-on, if you don’t like our add-on, simply ask for a refund (1 DAY GUARANTEE)..

We are always trying to keep our customers happy, if you want to request or change something, please visit our forums @ http://forum.sastatv.com and request it there!


We do not own and/or host the streams, movies, and TV shows. Sasta TV is just a scraper. It gets streams and movies off the internet and puts the links on our add-on. Check with your local laws before installing this add-on.